Mining Engineering Services by Burgex Inc.

Burgex Inc. is pleased to announce that we offer in-house mining engineering services!

Utilizing the latest in mine engineering software and technology, including UAV use for data collection, the Burgex Engineering and Consulting team is well suited for taking on a variety of mine engineering projects. From mine planning, to overburden stockpile design, cost modelling, strip ratios, and equipment cycles, we can offer a full suite of services from exploration through operations.

We use state of the art engineering software packages such as , Carlson Civil, Carlson Geology, and Propeller as well as standard modelling and GIS programs such as AutoCad and QGIS to assist in a variety of mining and exploration applications.

Paired with the latest in UAV technology, our mine modelling and planning features offer a new level of precision and clarity. These services can expand beyond initial planning and development activities through monitoring during operations, including monitoring of stockpiles, haul roads, overburden storage, bench modelling, and even equipment selection. The benefits of quality mine planning, modelling, and engineering are apparent, but perhaps less known is how much the ability to measure progress, productivity, quality, and cost on your quarry impacts the bottom line.

Our team has experience designing preliminary, short range, and long range mine plans for a variety of surface mined commodities. These plans have been utilized for feasibility studies, business planning, mining permitting, cost modeling, and capital expenditure calculations. Utilizing the latest in software and modelling capabilities, our work can easily be built upon and analyzed by mining project specific engineers prior to and during operations.

Using your projects drill-hole and other geological data, we can create geologic cross-sections and fence diagrams for mine reserve classification and planning activities. This information can be analyzed into reserve classification report which will hatch the measured, indicated, inferred and hypothetical results. These results can then be fine tuned with additional analysis and exploration as needed.

Burgex employs a full-time Mining Engineer and FAA licensed UAV Pilot as well as a full-time GIS Specialist. Contact us today for an estimate to see how our mining engineering services can help you!

Learn more about our engineering and consulting team here.